Friday, October 07, 2005

I don't trust my government anymore.

Tonight a terrorist threat to the NYC Subway system was announced. Also, "President" Bush spoke about the continued threat of terrorism in Iraq and invoked 9/11 once again. About and hour after my initial, alarmed reaction to the threat (and yes, hearing the FBI talk about a very serious threat gets my heart jumping)I start thinking about the events of the past month and how the leaders of the Federal Government are having a hard time with the law. Karl Rove's being summoned to court to talk about leaking. Bill Frist is in trouble over insider trading. Tom Delay has his ass to the coals over misuse of corporate funds. And of course, "President" Bush is busy transparently appointing his friends to the highest offices he has available.

I gotta be honest, I'm thinking there's nothing like the threat of a terrorist attack to take the pressure off the real issues. The story took up at least half of the news broadcast I watched tonight on CNN. Not much about the Republicans and thier problems. I don't want to distrust my government, but I'm feeling a strong sense of being manipulated tonight.

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