Friday, October 07, 2005

Approachabilility Log - 10.07.05

During the long wait for my meatball parmesan sub today, a young lady approached me with a strange question.

"This is gonna seem like a really wierd question," she said, "But I have to ask you."
"Okay", I replied, "I'm ready."
"Do you know what a catheter is?" She asked with an embarassed smile.
Suprised by this bold coed, I turned to the friend who was waiting patiently with me who said,"You want to take this one?"

I gave the quick explanation of the gruesome task that I understand as the job of the catheter. She was still a little confused and explained that she had just heard a convict talking about the things he had brought into prison hidden in his most private of areas. Some drugs, a razor blade, and apparently a catheter.

Oh my. I could see why she was so confused. What would one want with a catheter in prison? Do they not allow straws in prison? Are straw lovers sneaking catheters into jail so that they can continue to enjoy sipping beverages while behind bars? What else would you do with a catheter in prison. The possibilities are a little disturbing.

As she walked away from this strange interaction I called "Have a good lunch!" with a sarcastic grin. That got a laugh.

Just another day in the life of Jim W: The Most Approachable Man in the Metropolitan Area

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